is not in the cards right now? it's either chemotherapy or radiation, is that right? >> that's right. for the brain what we know is that there are four areas, four different areas of the brain that appear to have melanoma in it. you would not typically recommend an operation in that situation because of the nature of this, being different areas of the brain. so it is going to be sort of pinpoint radiation. they use what's called stereotactic radiation to focus the beams on those areas. and he started that now, he started that this afternoon. he may be already done with his first treatment. in addition, for the melanoma in his body, they're going to use a type of chemotherapy drug which basically serves to bolster up the immune system as again suzanne mentioned. that helps the body's own immune system fight the cancer cells in the body. that drug incidentally, to give you an idea of the status of cancer treatment, the drug he's going to be getting hasn't been approved for a full year yet. these some are brand-new options for him.