still suffer great inequality? it just looks at how inequality has been structural. and "the 1619" makes similar arguments. i don't understand what is dangerous about that unless you're a politician who doesn't want to see policy that's addressing inequality. >> and you want to see something kind of wild, this is a graphic we created of coverage of fox news on crt before the election in virginia and after. you will see 160 or so mentions before the election and just about 30 mentions this week. clearly there was an attempt right before the off-year election to stoke concern about race and how it's being caught in schools. be now much less talk in recent days that there's no election happening. and i wonder if you feel like you're part of this political drama where you have democrats spinning around worrying there's too much talk about wokeness and they're going to have to change that for the midterms. do you feel like you're partly