with "60 minutes" and "48 hour." joining me now is dan rather, host of access tv's big interview with dan rather. dan, great to see you. you've covered pretty much every major plane disaster spanning decades. what do you make of this? it's a story that's gripping america, gripping the world. >> well, gripping is the word and also confounding. i'm tempted to say this thing is so confounding it would gave aspirin a headache. but one doesn't want to joke about this situation. number one, each of these plane crashes, plane disappearances, is unique into itself. number two, it's still very, very early in this. and i'd be willing to bet the trailer money, piers, that most of the conjecture and speculation we're hearing now, including my own, will prove to be wrong. usually the early speculation is wrong. there is some really as i say confounding, almost dumbfounding facts to this. the fact the plane struck a v,