become whether the prosecution has proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt. but there is no question in my mind that he was the aggressor and in my mind, he has lost the right to say he was self-defending himself if he is the one whose the aggressor in the situation and you're right, trayvon then also has rights in this matter. and this is a very complicated case and it's going to be very interesting to see what the jury ends up doing with this. >> mel, i can see you shaking your head vigorously. you've been in court. >> he wasn't told to stay in his car. he was told we don't need you to do that, sir. >> let me clarify that. let me -- >> it's true -- >> i can clarify that because i think actually exactly what happened is zimmerman had got out of his car and was trying -- >> correct. >> he said to find the street name and at that point he was asked are you following and he said yes -- or whatever and he said we don't need you to do that but he was actually outside >> it's true -- >> i can clarify that because i think actually exactly what happened is zimmerman had got out of his car and was trying -- >> correct. >> he said to find the street name and at that point he was asked are you following and he said yes -- or whatever and he said we don't need you to do that but he was actually outside the car. that's one distinction -- >> my point -- >> an important one -- >> a very important one and i stand corrected on that point. my point is had he stayed in the