a political stooge or dishonorable. no one has said to. >> you've accused me of break egg the law, mr. chairman. >> but it is certainly our strong view, and we would hope it would be shared by the minority, that when the congress says that somebody shall be done, it shall be done. and when that involves the wrongdoing of the president, it is not an exception to the requirement of the statute. and the fact that this whistle-blower has been left twisting in the wind now for weeks, has been attacked by the president, should concern all of us, democrats and republicans, that this was ever allowed to come to be, that allegations this serious and this urgent were withheld as long as they were from this committee. that should concern all of us. no one is suggesting that there is a dishonor here. but we are going to insist the law be followed. >> thank you, chairman and thank you for being here. as you know, those in public