29% say they're going on dates closer to home to save on gas. ahead of cuffing season this winter when singles are looking to partner up, they're looking for cheaper dates. >> what about video dates? tell us about that. i've not to be honest, that's kind of a new concept for me. that wasn't around when i was in the dating world. is that a popular thing? >> so early in the pandemic, people got really used to video dates because they were stuck inside, and that's continued even though people are back out there. so 37% of singles say they're open to video dates, and that's up from 8% pre-pandemic. singles are using these first video dates to vet candidates and make sure that they actually want to go on a date with them in person and spend the time and energy. >> i guess that makes sense. so how are dating apps faring due to inflation? >> right, so dating ing apps ar