talked about that one who turned around when one of his comrade said, i don't think i can do it. and the injured man said, yes, you can. you have to do it. so all of that was the illustrator you shouldn't of how he described the greatness of these americans. who is he said at that time, many of them had couldn't even find this coastline on a map had never been to a country. they didn't know it. these were people that they didn't know or had never met. and yet they went there to do the right thing and to and to listen to the core all of duty. he talked immediately about how that face down hitler. and the third reich, and how americans in that moment and all the other allies who held, showed that this kind of tyrannical bulli could not continue and turn the tide of that warp. and then he immediately made in comparisons to putin and the aggression and the tyranny that's undergoing now in ukraine. >> and he rhetorical, he kept asking would these rangers who