well, personally. some day, if you have the time, i can share the email -- well, the email is from his office, but he was dictating about how he was going to go after ted cruz on his citizenship if it was a serious threat in his canadian heritage, and we know that he went after president obama similarly. so, these kinds of issues get disputed. eligibility should go to the court. let the court decide who's eligible to run. >> all right, jeff sonnenfeld, thank you so much. we'll have you back. appreciate it. >> thank you. and any minute, we will get an update on hurricane hilary from the national hurricane center. right now, the storm is barrelling towards us. stayay with us. their team of independent tax attornrneys will work with your cpa a to determine if your company is eligiblele. [whip sound] take the first step to s see if your smallll business qualifie. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. manage all your sales from onelace with a partner that always puts you fst.