process, how switching lane was no signal turned into all of this. i don't even know. but i'm still here so i guess call me back when you can. >> reporter: so carol, you know we're also expecting the bland family has issued and ordered its own independent autopsy of sandra bland. those results have not been released and we're trying to figure out if and when that will happen. >> ed lavandera reporting live this morning from hempstead, texas. a new warning from a top u.s. military commander about russia's nuclear arsenal calling it a, quote existential threat against the united states just days after russian bombers were intercepted off the coast of california. brian todd has more from washington. >> reporter: we're getting new information about a frightening incident on the fourth of july. a confrontation in the skies between u.s. fighter jets and nuclear capable russian bombers not far from american shores. we had reported that on that day

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