what that means is that all that has to happen is for mitch mcconnell and john boehner to say the congressional review period has not started. under federal law it is illegal for obama to lift sanctions. >> all right. so those two men just wrapped up speaking. i have our chief political sport dana bash in the thick of things on capitol hill, also joining me our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto and well to all of you. dana bash, you're in it. i feel like the story is almost twofold. on the one hand you have these two republican, what should be political rivals, want their party's nominations, here they are coming together, i don't know if it's about scoring points and, two, what was donald trump getting at by bringing up the president and the ayatollah and israel there? what was his point? >> reporter: what was his point? i think -- i'm going to try to be the trump whit perrer here.