media. there was one letter in particular that stands out given the recent rise of isis across the middle east. turns out bin laden wasn't exactly hot on the idea of establishing ap-islamic state, instead he was obsessed with taking out americans. we also know that while planning the mass killing of americans, he was also a devoted family man spending hours writing letters to his wives and children. i have a former cia officer. we'll get to you in a moment. but tom, let's begin with the letters he was writing to his family. what did he say? >> they don't sound anything like what you would expect frankly. we see him as a terror leader. he sounds like a guy who is away from his family who wants to reach out and say i miss you so very much, it's been so long since i've been with you you. i truly wish you could be here. it's a very different picture than what we've seen before. nothing in those letters would even suggest that he was