we're talking about this conduct. a lot of it after it was signed into law by the governor of new york. it reduced even the threshold to prove sexual harassment. it was still a difficult thing to prove in a court of law. and the notion that the action that was taken or not taken by senior members of the executive chamber, if it was taken at all, it was with an eye toward protecting the governor of new york. one of the comments that was made was the notion that even though there was this law that talked about the notion of if you were treated less well, less or not as well as others, in part on the basis of gender, then there were ramifications or repercussions. here the policy then changed to be he could not be along with the junior staff member to protect the governor of new york according to what their findings were. i think this is truly stunning. what i thought was surprising about his reaction to it, frankly, was the notion that he was discussing and said i'm the same person i am in person in