that didn't happen until video of the deadly encounter surfatesed, so the killing happened in february. the video surfaced in may, and it was after that when people were arrested. cnn's martin savidge has been following this from the beginning. what do you know about jury selection and how long this is expected to take, martin? >> reporter: well, anaa, it's very complicated and that video plays into if because remember the case of derek chauvin in the death of george floyd. there was video that showed how george floyd died. there is video. we know how ahmaud arbery died. the question is what were the circumstances around that death, and the people who will make the final decision on that is the jury, and that's why jury selection is so critical. about a thousand jury summons were sent out in glen county, not a big county so 1 in 85 people received one of those summons. the first 600 people showing up today, and that process is made more complicated by the fact that you have three defendants, and each up of those defendants has two attorneys and on top of