skin cuts across everything we know to be true. in the immortal words of dr. martin luther king ring in our ears, we must judge one another by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. this is what will be the founding principle of our executive order, what we're going to do in virginia schools. >> and of course that's glenn youngkin of virginia, what do you hear there with the indication there of dr. king to defend against what they say is critical race theory in schools. >> that was the conversation that dr. bernice king today at the pulpit that her father preached from at ebenezer and what we need to teach are facts in our schools, and i'm not going to stem back. i have a first grader who is in georgia public schools, and i want him to be taught accurate history, the facts. are we not going to teach the legacy of drf. king our nation' history has a sorted pass but we have an obligation to make sure we teach those facts for the next generation.