anyone failure, because that means stalling and ultimately a crash. so that is why the aviation industry is being warned to avoid this particular region. there are other concerns, of course, not just the airline industry, but on the ground as well. something you may have not known is a term in indonesia, locally known as a mahar. that is actually a combination of the ash fall as well as the heavy rain that often falls and accompanies the indonesian region. and that is unfortunately the cost going forward as the ashfall continues to mix with the atmosphere. there's a heavy bounce of rain in the forecast across the mount semeru region into east java. be on the lookout for mahars, or mud flows. this is one of the most active areas in terms of volcanos in the world, 127 active volcanos throughout indonesia. >> and we wish the rescue workers all the best as they continue to try and find those trapped there. derek van dam, thanks so much, appreciate it. still to come on cnn, the other pandemic. u.s. officials alarmed over the