crossing. as a result, the number of deaths at sea is also at record levels this year with more than 2,500 now reported either missing or dead. many of those are fleeing conflict areas like the war in syria. earlier i spoke with caroline, a humanitarian media manager for save the children spshgs she spoke of the shallenings that workers face trying to help those in the conflict zone. >> there's half a million people living in this area still. many more in hard to reach wrarz where aid agencies like ours can't go. we speak to people living in those areas, and it's hell on earth. wills no food. there's no clean water. there's no medical care. people are telling us that with all the hospitals there and doctors gone, they're using anything they can to patch up to deal with illnesses, and people are very resilient. they're working with roots that are running wrurnd ground schools and hospitals.