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budget vendor hall campaign smart as a judging by got it. >> got it, boss. honor you got this erin burnett outfront week nights at seven odd cnn good morning. >> welcome to cnn this morning it is saturday, june 8, if the officially, we're now into see you in a newsroom. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> i'm amara walker. this is a special edition of cnn newsroom is smerconish is off this week and michael will be back next. so week. >> we start with breaking news this morning, there is rejoicing in the streets of israel today after the idf announced that four hostages who have been in captivity the october 7 attacks have been rescued earlier, the idf spokesman offered these details into their rescue this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. >> deep inside gaza while under fire under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way hat on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. there on the went intensive training. they reached their lives to save the lives of all hostages one of those freed noaa are good money would last been seen a being kidnapped by hamas fighters on a motorcycle. now the idf says the four are in good medical condition. they've been transferred to a medical center with us now, a cnn senior international correspondent been wiedemann and see you in an international diplomatic editor, nic robertson, bend, let's start with you and tell us what you've learned about the military option operation that led to the rescue well, this operation was focused victory in the nuseirat camp which is in central gaza and what we've seen was intense military action on the ground and in the air by israeli forces starting around mid-morning. >> now according to the hospital sources, at the al aqsa martyrs hospital, indebted better nearby, at least 107 bodies have been brought to that hospital. there are apparently hundreds of injuries as well. this is the third operation in which israel has been hey, able to rescue hostages in gaza, a total of seven hostages have been released since 7 october it's worth noting that back at the end of november last year, during a weeks-long ceasefire, they were able rather than negotiations and the ceasefire that resulted founded 105 people were released in that instant. now among those released in addition to no autauga mani, who has been in touch with the prime minister and president israel. there's edmodo meter, john 21 recently released from from the army, and two security guards, all of them were at that nova music festival. the other two are andre kosla of 27 it's a russian, is rarely national and shlomo xiv, 40 also a security guard there. obviously in israel, this is being met with much jubilation but the scenes from the hospitals in gaza are really quite disturbing. blood on the floor of hospitals that are full to capacity city. the morgues full as well. now we've heard from semi obvious about zadie speaking to reuters. he's a spokesman for hamas, saying that the freeing of the hostages is a sign of failure not an achievement. that this is all they could be achieved after nine months of war. victor all right, and let's go to nick now. >> and the reaction from the hostage and missing families forum has been obviously jew blend. they're calling this a miraculous, triumphant. it comes as a key official and the israeli government has now posted poland and announcement where he was expected to announce that he was drawing from the war cabinet. >> first, what does this rescue mean in terms of getting to a ceasefire deal, nick and two, do you think will hear from benny gantz anytime soon yeah, it was benny gantz who was expected to speak this afternoon a couple of days ago, is expected to announce it who withdraw from the war cabinet, which had the sort of implicit threat that because he was before october 7, principle opposition to prime minister netanyahu, that this could bring down the war cabinet and therefore you know, just sort of trigger over the near period elections in israel. but i think over the past 48 hours prior to the hostage release, it had become clear that he was shifting away from that position, perhaps under pressure from from us officials not to pull out of that cabinet. at this time, whatever is motivation not clear, but it does seem that the release of these four hostages is going to strengthen prime minister netanyahu's hand because his message has always been, we put the hostages first. we continue to fight. we go into release them. the only way to do it is through military pressure. so this reinforces the prime minister's his hand. so what does that do the hostage negotiations. i think it just pushes them further down the road because that's what we've seen happen before. and i think when you look at it from the palestinian perspective inside gaza has been as saying that the death toll in the area where this whether it appears this rescue mission took place is high and we saw that in january this year when, when a couple of other hostages were released and the idf later explain the dynamic of that overnight rescue, and that was that they got on the location pretty quickly got into the room, got into a firefight with the gods. and then of course, hamas was alerted. and the way that the idf dealt, dealt with that to be to be able to extract themselves in the hostages was the laid down a huge amount of fire in the area, and that result salted and again, then back then, dozens upon dozens of civilian casualties in the vicinity as the idf sort of fought its way out of the situation. so from a palestinian perspective, the consequences of a hostage recovery mission, rescue and recovery mission like this is again, going to push the dynamic of hostage negotiations away from the table because it is going to inflame passions. so i think the short answer is it makes it harder to achieve a ceasefire deal right now, at least, yeah, that's an interesting element. and just as you were are talking, nick, i got an alert in from our team it said that at least 107 people have been killed as a result of the israeli military operation in central gaza, i near where this operation took place. according to a spokesperson at the al-aqsa but martyrs hospital i wonder as the secretary of state, antony blinken is headed back to the region in the next few days trying to push for this ceasefire deal what work can he do if in israel? netanyahu is emboldened because four hostages are home and hamas is now reacting to the more than 100 deaths as a result of the operation that freed those hostages? >> i think the ground reality is this was always a very, very difficult environment, diplomatic environment for secretary state antony blinken to engage in, and it's had very little traction with this israeli government, with all the things has been talking about, whether it's additional humanitarian aid, whether it's the pressure to get hostage negotiation and ceasefire is going sooner and we've also seen the secretary postpone or delay because of events in the region and although there's no indication that is going to delay right now this will make his job harder. but the underlying reasons that he wants access to to get the hostages freed to end the war, to end the suffering of the palestinians to improve the situation, to keep onside, united states regional partners like saudi arabia, who say that they are ready to support a ceasefire if it leads to a two-state solution, if there's a concrete path of a two-state solution, of course, the united states need these needs, these allies and partners in the region because they will be part of the fabric, then supports a reconstruction effort inside of, inside of gaza which is gonna be hugely needed and may take more than a decade or even decades to complete so it's very complex and part of what secretary of state antony blinken needs to do is just try to keep everyone as close to the table as possible. the last thing he needs as one of his partners in all of this to just throw up their hands and say, okay, a line has been crossed that doesn't that's not on the cards, but this is what is playing against and bed wiedemann, let's bring you back in and let's stay on. this conversation about what this means for a potential ceasefire deal. as you heard, secretary of state antony thinking it will be traveling back to the region and he'll be meeting with officials in israel on monday. uh, what are you expecting in terms of the palestinian reaction and how this will all all play out, as, as us secretary of state is in the region trying to get some kind of deal done well, there seems to be so much confusion at this point about where each side stands on a hostage deal on some sort of deal to release the hostages, get a ceasefire. >> i think the bra hard lines. they're talking to both sides seem to agree that a 42 day or six-week period in which the elderly women the sec the injured, should be released, but it's really the endgame that seems to be the problem president prime minister netanyahu is insisting in his ultimate goal is the destruction of hamas. hamas, however, wants to make sure that when the fighting finally comes to an end, that they will still be able to exist and operate. so we have a basic contradiction between the two sides. however, obviously, i think the united states is eager just to bring this war to an end. it has cost president biden politically among his base. it is sort of an open wound i've covered basically every war between israel and its neighbors. and those controls in the occupied territories. now, for decades, but this is by far the longest war, the war that is generated more anger, bitterness and division, and certainly for the united states. now that we are in the ninth month of this war with a huge death toll and disruption on in every sense really the united states needs to push as hard as possible to finally bring this war to an end. victor, amara. >> then we'd have been in beirut. nic robertson in london. thank you very much. ian bremmer is president of the eurasia group group. he is with us now. e and good morning to you so let's start here with what this rescue operation means for benjamin netanyahu first on the ceasefire deal, because there was some reporting that the israelis agreed to it. but then there were reports that netanyahu said there were gaps between what biden had proposed and what he will agree to what now for the ceasefire deal, the proposal that's on the table. >> look, obviously it's a huge win when you've had seven months plus of these hostages being held and no one knowing how many of them were alive, nobody knowing what kind of health conditions therein not just the visuals of seeing these four freed by israel, but also being able to talk to them, being able to hear their experiences. i mean, this is just a catharsis for trauma that the israeli people have collectively been through. and of course, not just not yeah, i hope that the entire war cabinet benefits from that. >> but negotiating with hamas, a breakthrough on this when you have two governments, one terrorist organization and the israeli government that completely disagree on outcomes has been incredibly hard two square. >> i mean, every other country in the world is looking for a ceasefire. it's looking for an end to the fighting and it's looking for all of the hostages to be released. hamas doesn't support that unless they find a way to continue to survive. and the israelis, and not just the prime minister, but the entire israeli population, wants to see hamas destroyed. there's really no way to square that. and especially if you're the israeli prime minister looking at american elections coming up in just a few months, looking at the ability to address a joint session of congress in just a few weeks, even though biden's nine i'm very interested in that. he thinks he'll do much better if biden is out. and i suspect that's true. and so right now, if you're the israeli prime minister, you are playing for time and you're not particularly interested in coming to a short or a long-term deal with hamas and gun so just as do with speaking and we saw a president biden and president macron sitting down for what's been described as a working lunch, we were not expecting them to make any remarks. >> it looks like lunch hadn't even been served. they were sitting there placemats and utensils. so this was just a spray at the beginning of what we're told will be a discussion over a meal before the events this evening at the state dinner at the lu zai palace. here's that video again, we react really quickly. thank you. control room of the two men talking her, told we can't hear anything that they're talking about because of the distance but the meetings continue in paris and back to you and benny guns. he was expected to announce today at a news conference his departure because he gave netanyahu prime minister netanyahu and ultimatum that he wanted to hear a plan for the release of the hostages. he wanted a plan for gaza postwar, and he did not get those that was postponed because of the release today of these hostages are the rescue i should say. do you think that this puts off that departure for any more than to give these these people in these families, their moment or is it likely that it'll stay any longer? >> i don't think he's going to stay much longer we now have not yahoo pushing very hard and the far-right to open a second front in the north with hezbollah as hezbollah much more powerful than hamas continues to show rockets down on northern israel and 100,000 israeli citizens continue to be evacuated from their homes, from their schools. the equivalent of 4 million americans imagine if after 911, the entire state of connecticut or louisiana were evacuated, it would be all we're talking about. so that is a significant push gantz continues to have as a red line in the formation of some kind of plan for governance of the palestinians after the war is over in gaza, netanyahu has been completely uninterested in accepting that there are really some significant gaps between these two that are also pretty unbridgeable. i expect gantz's going to be out sooner later probably sooner, but that doesn't bring down the government in israel. the government is the likud party, not you and the far right allies. and there, what would bring down the government would be if there were a breakthrough deal as biden had announced with hamas, what would bring down the government would be accepting a two-state solution. what would bring down the government would, would be a willingness to engage on the terms that the rest of the world is trying to get the israelis to move towards, to have some peace and stability after months and months let's of war. that's not going to happen. so i fear, and by the way, since gantz has made this announcement, this ultimatum, we've seen the first poll since october 7 that show that not in yahoo is once again more popular than gantz among the israeli population. so gantz can go and we'll see who replaces them and we'll see what the new war cabinet will look like. but i suspect it's not going to make much of a difference for this israeli government. and ultimately, they are the ones that call the shots for israel's future. >> and the bremmer. thank you very much. we'll continue to see happens the rescue of these four hostages. thanks for your time and we will of course, de, on breaking news and france and israel also this morning, some democrats are angry with president biden over policy shift on the southern border. >> still to come the crackdown on asylum seekers and how the white house is looking to mend fences with its allies 19th cnn celebrated juneteenth, with special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, cold, att rcm are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr cm dad is a legend and his legendary movie might be passed down to you ancestry dna can show you which traits were inherited where they came from and who he shares them with. >> but get move moving the sale is only for a limited time. >> all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof, thick about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what's missing? the andean condor know, walnut brain pitch jin's rather de, with team at the socks. >> be fair, we're not very athletic. okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete 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move comes after efforts to pass a bipartisan border bill failed to advance in the senate last month. blocked by republican opposition and democratic divisions. the number of encounters has increased dramatically during the same time frame that just saw over 2 million during trump's presidency, during biden's, it rose to 7.8 million the proposed measure could be turned on and off asylum would be shut down when the average number of migrants illegally crossing the border reaches 2,500 the restriction would be lifted when the average of daily encounters falls below 1,500 for several consecutive days now the aclu has said it will file a lawsuit to stop the action from going into effect, joining me now is democratic congresswoman delouya ramirez of illinois who was on the homeland security committee. appreciate you joining us congresswoman. a first off, i want to make clear you opposed that sent a bipartisan border deal. and now you issued a statement this week saying you're disappointed in biden's executive order that the crisis is not at the border, but one of conscience, tell me what you meant by that? >> look, we're experiencing a global crisis and merely attempting to dress it with some truly unsustainable and in some ways disappointing and harsh policy at the border is not going to solve the issue there's a reason why people are crossing the darien 530,000 last year restricting asylum at our southern border is not when to stop people from going to the experience they're going through what they're going through in panama, what you're going to columbia and going to swell in haiti, in china. what i've said is we have to ask ourselves if restricting asylum is going to stop people from wanting to seek a better life? the answer is no, the differences more people will die attempting between ports of entry. and you went to see more children experiencing some of the most traumatic experiences at our southern border on the mexican side. >> then congresswoman, what should happen at the border when tens of thousands because of migrants are trying to cross into this country illegally should there not be a limit at all, should border patrol just try to process all of them what's the solution? >> what look i've been saying over and over and i'm a vice ranking member and homeland security, we need more added support and staff at the border. without a doubt, and republicans continue to play all sorts of games to really make sure that they can drive this out in november, we need more staffing. we also have to create more legal pathways an io that is talking about creating in more legal pathways coming out and saying to state department of homeland security, i am going to work with congress to get more resources into panama. so that panama is not just like transit state, but also helping provide protections to people all of these other things that we should be doing that actually address the issue of number of people attempting to cross is what we should be doing it doing. and look, president biden four years ago when he when he was running, he said, i, unlike trump understand that this country is a country of immigrants, and i will not restrict someone's ability to seek asylum in our country attempting to restrict it today goes against who biden says he is at the same time, look at the immigration policy. we have 1986, we haven't done anything around immigration reform. so when you haven't done anything, you haven't expensive legal pathways, they've climate refugees, these countries are in corruption and violence. there's so much to be he done merely saying, you cannot seek asylum after going through the most horrific things that our southern border goes against everything we say we are. but dan, it doesn't work. how would you characterize what's happening at the border? would you say it's it's it's chaos right now there's like humanitarian crisis. >> and look, i just came from panama six months ago. i saw thousands of people, many of them very, very sick with malaria desperately looking for help. and i also saw that we should be strengthening our relationship with panama to also help them except protections for people. but the reality pretty is that we don't have added staff at the border. we're not processing the resources with more supports. imagine having to seek attorney and you have four hours to do so. i don't even know if i can hire an attorney in less than four hours and then be able to be able to demonstrate the fear and the experience i just went through so some officer at the border can determine if i have credible fear or they're going to repatriate me immediately back to the country that obviously it doesn't. aclu has said it. there, so it's unacceptable. it goes against everything we say. should we be doing more to address the issues? should we increase legal passwords? should be building infrastructure at the ports of entry. you should be doing all of that merely restricting does not solve the problem. >> understood. well, obviously, more needs to be done. no one's holding their breath that congress will do anything about it, especially in this election year we'll leave it there. representative adelie ramirez. thank you for your time thank you for having all right. >> well, moments from now, we are expecting to hear from president biden and french president emmanuel macron more on the official state visit to paris is coming sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of our heads, secrets and spi nuclear game tomorrow at ten on cnn, its terms day but neutrogena ultra hsi or sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard. >> have liked me neutrogena ultras year sunscreen okay. ready? >> one second. i got it. finished my laundry. >> it's gaslight. one second. i use rents was rents to the 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official state dinner close ties between the u.s. and france are of course, on full display as biden continues to push his message of saving democracy, fighting for it and freedom following his d-day anniversary speech on friday cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is live in pairs this morning. okay, so these statements are coming following a meeting between biden and my crawl what are we expecting him? and this wasn't scheduled? get older, was it the statements were scheduled. >> the statements have long been expected as part of this state visit to announce the joint agreements that the two countries have reached that have been in the works in the planning process for several weeks, if not months, leading up to this, we expect that they will deal with maritime cooperation in the indo-pacific, that some commitments to ukraine and to strengthen thank nato as well as some commitments on climate change, artificial intelligence, as well as several other topics. two, we know that that is essentially the bulk of the agenda today. hey, that the two leaders were expected to discuss and we know that they were discussing china in an unexpected opportunity for the pool to see the two presidents sitting down in what appeared to be a back garden or a back patio the conversation between the two leaders was not audible, but president biden was overheard by one radio reporting you're telling president macron are relaying to him something about his most recent conversation with president xi jinping of china. now, the two countries are expected to announce a marriage time cooperation in the indo-pacific to try to secure that territory, secure that region, amid increasing aggression from china and some economic coercion that seen both targeting the united states as well as targeting europe. europe had previously not necessarily braced the more hawkish position of the united states. but now they're studying tariffs against certain chinese products of their own. now they're starting to figure out exactly what they may need to do to adjust their posture toward china's. so that was interesting to hear president biden remark about that conversation with ci reporters will not get up an opportunity to ask questions in a formal state. but as is often the case in american press opportunities, that reporters in the room will try to shout questions at the leaders, unclear if they will answer, president biden in recent occurrences has not taken an opportunity to respond, but we'll see if that changes this afternoon. >> back to you, kayla tausche. thank you so much. and stay with cnn will bring you those remarks. sure. when they happen we're also following breaking news out of israel, four hostages held by hamas since october 7 have now been free. this was in an israeli military operation. what israeli officials are saying about the rescue the increase in wildfires is exponential on uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences the need to do something is 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today by the idf. all four were attending the nova music festival when they were kidnapped. >> now, take a look at the video, this captures the reunion between noaa and her father after eight months apart. the hostages finally see their families at a local hospital where they were taken for examination. cnn senior international correspondent, then we'd amid is joining us now. so the rescue operation was approved by the prime minister last week what else do you know well, we understand from daniel hagari, the spokesman for the israeli military that they were training for for this operation for weeks which took place in the central gaza strip, focused on the nuseirat refugee camp, where what we saw beginning in late morning was intense military activity on the ground and in the air with helicopters overhead, troops on the ground. >> it fairly intense bombardment at this point, we understand from officials at the al-aqsa martyrs brigade in nearby debt and bella that the death toll among palestinians is at least one 107. however, this operation did succeed in freeing these four hostages who are in two different locations and we can tell you they include noah outgo money, 25-years-old of viewers may recall that she was video you've taped as she was being taken away on the back of a motorcycle on 7 october from the nova music festival. the other three hostages were also at that music festival, including two security guards. and we've heard from the israeli authorities that despite at eight months of captivity in gaza they, they are all in good medical condition. we can't say the same for the situation in gaza itself where hospitals are struggling to deal with hundreds of wounded now, this brings to seven, the total number of israelis who have been freed, rescued by the israeli military. compare that to the approximately weeklong ceasefire at the end of november when as a result of negotiations, 105 hostages were released at one israelis and 24 for foreign nationals. now, there are efforts ongoing to bring about a ceasefire that would result in the release of more hostages. but they don't what seemed to be making any progress at the moment victor amara, ben, we'd have been forced in beirut and just got an update from our team in london that it's really pulling police report that and there's really policemen from a special counter-terrorism unit was killed as well in this hostage rescue. >> his name are non amora. we're continuing to get updates of this rescue operation throughout the morning. of course, we'll bring those to you let's go to elisa, a palace. now, any moment, we are expecting to hear from president biden and french president emmanuel macron, the pre-planned press statements during this state visit there right now, wrapping up what's described as a working lunch, we'll bring you those remarks when they happen the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage 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taking this position but i think even though the french or the host here, i'm a gemini setting the agenda. i think there'll be prepared to go along with the white house if the white house said they didn't want questions because they don't want that they don't want the possibility that the president will say something off the cuff as happens and then that has to get walked back potentially. >> okay. so what do you expect to hear? i mean obviously that the main topics are the attractable wars in ukraine and the israel-hamas war. what do the two leaders need to find? consensus on, if anything on ukraine specifically, they've had a few good weeks. they're all looking forward to the most important international meeting that's going to happen before u.s. elections, which is the 75th nato anniversary in washington, dc. and just a few you weeks. and the efforts that have been made in recent weeks to get more weaponry to ukraine also, very soon to get more money to ukraine, guaranteed beyond just one year going forward. that is the coordination on the frozen assets of russia to be used and leveraged by the allies to help ukrainian defense. all of that has been happening. the new targeting all the rest with very close coordination by biden and macron. indeed, i think you could argue that these two leaders have been essential in expanding the support more than any other leaders and nato over the past weeks. and france is not always in at the position with the united states. so biden appreciates it. it may not be there for very long both leaders are in trouble domestically in different ways. of course, under a lot of pressure. >> but for now, they're going to want to take a bit have a victory lap and say, hey, this is the biggest threat that the nato alliance has faced over the last couple of years. and we are standing together, resolute to address it. that's that's i think the biggest message that you're going to hear from these two liters. >> it's fair nick, to expect that at the top they will knowledge the release of or i should stop saying released the rescue of the four hostages from gaza. hamas didn't release these the hostages the idf went and got them what do you expect beyond that, there were going to hear yeah, they both going to have commonality on that point in time. perhaps mentioned and paid tribute to the idf account of terrorism. commander who was fatally injured, mortally wounded during that raid and died. the both have commonality there. and i think just previous question, i think is one of the point. why do you not take questions in a scenario like this? because the president's have different positions on a variety of issues, whether it's the middle east whether it's ukraine, or whether it's china, taiwan, the indo-pacific, which undoubtedly part of the conversation and if you take questions, then the audience for journalists are going to want to explore those differences and that potentially is awkward. a neater, tidyr statement deals with that. so i think one of the things that we've got two, hint of that listening to we saw president macron and president biden city down at a table outside before this meeting, having a quick conversation and just listening in, you could hear president biden talking about working together and he mentioned the last time that he saw president xi and thinking back here to president macros last visit to beijing, this was april last year. he talked about not wanting to get drawn in to a u.s china escalating wanting not wanting to get john drawn into that dynamic of tensions between the united states and china and france has different economic interests, if you will, in china and is willing to play them differently to the united states. so they do have different positions officials there, but we know from national security coordinator john kirby that one of the things that will come up will be improving maritime coordination between the united states and france in the indo-pacific region. so this is absolutely going to be about a common alliance that potentially could get drawn in to a conflict with china if china were to invade taiwan, something, something france is very much opposed to as well, of course. so there will be, perhaps we'll hear some announcement about that, about some kind of maritime police keeping force, border force, a tie up perhaps between the us coast guard and the french navy. there could be, we could get something on that i'll quickly you mentioned this us champion plan, which is going to be a top priority when the g7 liters meet an italy few days from now regarding this plan to leverage interests from seize russian assets and alone to ukraine macron is a keyhole doubt on this. we just have a few seconds, but could it do you expect that this is something that is a topic that the two leaders have discussed or will discuss today it is, it's complex, but i think they're getting there. >> i think it will be announced just a few months ago. everyone was the no but the harder this war goes against the ukrainians, the more urgency there is for the us and the europeans and ultimately, i think they're going to get to yes, biden and macron are closer, right now on most global issues that they'd been in a very long time, nick is right. there are gaps distance, but right now, there's more alignment than we've seen between the u.s. and france and a longtime, both leaders know that that may well be very fleeting. >> rubber, nic robertson. thank you very much. >> and thank you all for watching any moment now, we're going to get those statements from the president and president macron will bring you those live as they happen. >> first, while the show starts after break assignments are going off and playing, the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. fallen earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn, i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just 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