recent moves, colonel, isis seems to be infuriating those that perhaps were not joining the fight against them. >> yeah. i agree on that with you, poppy. but you know the other thing they also try to do, they swing 180 degrees with this ruling with the asyrian christians by again trying to show their followers that they are a state, that they are a nation state, and thatey are going to set up the caliphate. they go from left to right. it can be confusion sometimes for most people watching this. at end of the day this i not a holy war. the muslims out there do not believe they represent islam in any way. and they're just crazy. >> thank you, colonel reese, father beck good to have you on the program. >> thanks poppy. an american and an outspoken critic of extremism met a violent end overseas. radicals in bangladesh swore they would kill him if he ever set foot back in bangladesh. he did, and he was brutally