inside a mall. police are investigating. now, have you heard the term showrooming? it's when someone goes to the store. they find what they want. then they go home and, well, buy it online, usually a lot cheaper. but now brick and mortar stores, they're catching on. they're stepping up their game and taking a web page out of the online retailer's book. that's why cnn money's tech expert is joining us. you're talking about something called shopping 2.0. what is that? >> i coined it, that's right. you know, look, it's all about stores getting to know you better. think if you walk in and the stores know more about it and it's very futuristic, but it's actually happening now, check it out. >> reporter: this holiday season look for shopping to get a little bit personal. welcome to shopping 2.0. where stores know your gender, they know your mood. >> hello, welcome back to the