meeting but basically went back to the notion that he said, look, we'll have a plan sooner rather than later. one other thing i want to point out you avlged me earlier, why did they come out today? the white house, the administration has always said they were going to have the numbers in mid-november. if you go through the tally, jake, there are some places like the district of columbia, they have not reported numbers yet. hawaii has not reported numbers yet, according to this longer break-out that's been provided by hhs. what i have been told by the people at hhs is they're still going through the numbers to make sure they're accurate. for example, when it comes to the enrollment number, they say the reason why they're not counting payment is because payment would result in a reporting lag time, so information would need to be verified with the issuers, the insurance companies. so this is just a big, huge mess, jake, quite frankly, to get all of these numbers together. it is sort of amazing that hhs and the white house have been