shooter will, before the event, they'll tell somebody directly or indirectly what they plan to do. so they'll go back a period to pick up more warning signs. that's one of the phases. but this attitude, this thinking, this world view about how to deal with one's problems and i'll pick up a gun, and that's the right then to do, and that's how i'm going to handle it, those kinds of feelings and attitudes would probably have gone back years, and he may not have manifested them to people around him. so they'll have to go back, actually, years to develop when this -- see when this kind of thinking really developed. but the warning signs, much more short term. >> hmm, all right. former fbi profiler mary ellen o'toole, thank you so much for your time and insight this morning. >> you're welcome. let's move on to boston. a whole lot of inspiration there. hundreds of people are out for a parade, celebrating the red sox victory. but it's not just about that big win. people are also honoring the