>> he threatened the baby again. >> after he threatened the baby again, what did he do? >> he counted down again. >> make it all the way to one? >> no, ma'am. >> susan hendricks covering the trial. susan, what did lang say happened next? >> reporter: yeah, it is chilling to hear, when you listen, that there was a countdown involved in this, don. he says that he saw elkins shoot one shot at the ground, another shot at the mom, sherry west, and here's what he said about the third shot. listen here. >> was there a third shot? >> yes, ma'am. >> do you know where the gun was pointing before the third shot? >> i don't know if it was at the baby or at sherry. >> can you describe what direction or angle it was pointed in? >> like this. >> and what was in that direction? >> the baby and shirley.