Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom 20120902 :

CNN CNN Newsroom September 2, 2012

we begin with shocking news from the catholic church. one of the most vocal and prominent priests in american is being condemned for comments he made. the father is a 79-year-old author and regular of ewtm, the catholic cable tv network. here he is in a video tribute to his 50 years in the priesthood. here is what he told the national catholic register about priests who molest children. quote. the fallout was emmeant. the national catholic register pulled the interview and apologized for posting it in the first place. the father's own runningus order which he cofounded 25 years ago has apologized and suggested the father is not in his right mind. the arch diocese says the but you can't help but wonder why would this fryer make these comments in the first place and why would the national catholic register print them? joining me now is barbara blaine, a sexual abuse founder and survivor of the network those abused by priests, known as snap. i've done several stories of barbara and i'm a great admirer of her and her organization. they protect lots of children. so, barbara, thanks for joining me. >> thanks for having me. >> tell me what went through your head when you read father groeschel's comments? >> at first, i was shocked. i had to check the date and make sure the story was coming to us this week. and i feel that it's mean spirited, it's hurtful, and it's just like rubbing salt into the wounds of victims. >> barbara, this hits close to home for you. tell me about your own experience when you were a child. >> well, the priest abused me when i was growing up in toledo, ohio. it started in the summer between seventh and eighth grade and i thought it was my fault and he led me to believe that it was my fault. and he used to tell me that i had to go to confession and, believe me, as a child, i already felt so guilty because of what he was doing to it me, and so i think that that had a negative impact on the development of my psyche and it caused me to develop my sense of self as being an evil and bad person and it took a lot of years of therapy to work through that. so to now here we are in 2012 have this monsignor -- i mean this franciscan priest make these statements it's really nasty. >> i want to read to you what the priests comments. what is your response to that? >> well, i mean, i'm glad that he's making that statement. let's put it in context. his initial statements, i think, are his true feelings. yes, father groeschel seems to have compassion for others human beings but it seems he has compassion for a lot of predators. the context came in him discussing that priests are living where he works. a priest who commits these acts the first time they should not go to jail because somehow they didn't have a criminal intent. he doesn't seem to have any sense of empathy or compassion for victims. i believe it's dangerous. my question is whether or not he still is holding his position as a catholic theologian and commentator. he has a regular show on the catholic network. someone who has made these kind of remarks, from my perspective, he should be removed from that post. >> it remains to be seen what happens in that case. barbara blaine, nice seeing you again and thank you so much for talking to us today. >> thank you, gary. >> the father didn't stop at blaming the children in these cases. went on to almost sympathize are convicted child molester jerry sandusky. the art for procrastination. >> we all have a lazy streak in us. >> lazy or maybe brilliant? listen up, you lollygagers and doodlers, i'm talking to you. it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band d crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this paradeeet, sfx: sounds of marching band d crowd cheering honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering which is actually in tquite fitting becauseadeeet, sfx: sounds of marching band d crowd cheering geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the conversation continues as we try to understand shocking comments made by a long time catholic friar. the father groeschel is apologizing that some priests may have asked for it. he has a ph.d.. joining me is a director of the an organization that focuses on youth mental health. first of all, thanks for joining us. do these comments by the father surprise? what was your initial reaction to hearing them? >> they don't surprise me. it is very sad to hear those comments. it's quite disheartening did you doesn't shock me the type of victim blaming happens throughout our society when we look at rap cases and people ask what was she wearing or hanging out and why was she by herself? child sexual abuse cases quite often the perpetrators will hit and barbara hit on this where she began to believe it was her fault she experienced the sexual abuse and it's misfortune those permeate our society and wonderful the story is making national headlines so we we can correct some of these misconceptions. >> let me read to you one of the father's quotes. help us understand the difference between how an adult like that and a child, an innocent child interpret a close relationship? >> we're not talking about a close relationship that would naturally be where a child is looking up to an adult as a role model, a coach, mentor. this type of issues where there's sex abuse. we know the perpetrators target their victim and groom them and help desensitize them so a simple hug, a pat on the back ends up crossing the line into less and less appropriate touches and sexual behaviors occur which is highly inappropriate and ill legal and, unfortunately, because these perpetrators through threats and that manipulation goes in where the child feels powerless and could be bribery but that child, their voice is stripped from them as well as their power. unfortunately, many victims of child sexual abuse never speak up about it. >> the father even mentions jerry sandusky, who was found guilty of sexual abusing ten boys of 15 years. you know until recent years people didn't register that it was a crime. this is what he is saying. he's an older man but it was printed in this richts and that is another issue. what do you make of that? some could argue he is too old and that happens sometimes. i should make it clear you could be very young at that age and what is he implying is that he is acting kind of old, but it was printed. what do you make of all of that? >> this should never have been in print. apologies a little too late. it's 100% on the perpetrator and to make excuses is absolutely unacceptable. these cases are not like that. it's pretty much, if anyone deserves a compassion and understanding of support it's not sandusky, it's the child victims of sexual abuse. that's where empathy should be lying. >> you pointed out kind of already he is not by himself making these viewpoints. this father says in the interview because those committing sexual acts did intend to commitment a crime, she should go to jail. how could any normal person believe sex with a child would not be a crime? >> any normal person should believe it's a crime, even perpetrators know it's a crime. how else would they decide that they have to manipulate their victims so they have to live in fear and keep it a secret? they manipulate that that secrecy and they strip that voice of that child so that they can continue to perpetuate their abuse. there is no excuses. >> grace, thank you for your time today. this is an important topic and appreciate you being on with us. >> thank you for having me. we have been working on this next segment for weeks now. for some reason, we just haven't got around to it until now. it's about this book right here, and to be honest, i just started reading it and i've had it for a while. it's about putting things off. i'll talk to the author about the theory that some procrastinators are, in fact, brilliant, right? >> absolutely. >> that's next and it will all make us feel good to hear that, if we get around to it. nature valley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. like whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. get it done now. or get it done later. maybe get in facebook, twitter, maybe watch some tv instead. we have all done it. we have all found something else to do other than what we're supposed to be doing. say it with me, folks. procrastination edition we're however my next guest would argue procrastination is something to be perfected. john perry wrote "the art of procrastination," and would suggest procrastinators have ways of getting other things done. john perry, thank you for being here. what made you delay and not do something else before you got here? >> i'm here for one of the many things going on here in atlanta this weekend the decatur book festival. i gave a talk to a hundred procrastinators telling them they didn't know to do anything about being a jerk and it went over pretty well. >> you say it's a guide to lollygagging and postponing. you say to be a procrafter you can be a good person too and get things done? >> yeah. procrastination gets a bad wrap. a lot of psychologists say you're responsible for the gross national product going bad for procrastinate nating and cutting down your own life and ten times toward alcoholism and you drive everyone else crazy. baloney. not only does the national media tell us that, we tell ourselves that. it occurred to me one day i'm a procrastinator and i get a lot done. >> you're a professor at philosophy at stanford university. clearly you've gotten a lot done. >> i've gotten so much done there, they retired me. >> that are? >> yeah, i teach a little university of riverside. >> you say procrastination is not doing one thing is a way of doing something else. lots of tasks disappear if given the chance and procrastination encourages productive subconscious thought. the idea it takes to create a task the more creative we become how to tackle it. we asked around. no one seems to deny they know how to procrastinate. listen. >> procrastination is the result of ordering around, so if you're always feeling like you're being told what to do and people are ordering you around, it's as procrastination is like a subconscious reaction to that. >> i have 50 years worth of pictures that i'm going to scrapbook someday. >> we all have a lazy streak in us and what we can put off until tomorrow, why don't we? unless it's important. >> like i wake up at 5:00 a.m. in the morning and i wait until 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning tot to go to work so i do pretty much nothing for four hour, just waiting. one coffee, second coffee. i must go in the shower. another 30 minutes, like that. >> my children's homework. i should probably have them -- help them do it but sometimes i'll a little lazy and i want to sit and watch tv so at the end of the night we're cramming to do it. >> procrastination is the effect of time. >> procrastination makes me sick! >> makes her sick! what is your favorite procrastination pastime? that's hard to say but what is it? >> first i think those people are diverse. you got to distinguish between procrastinating and just being lazy. lots of procrastinators are not lazy at all. they do all sorts of things as a way of not doing other things. that's what i call structured procrastination and the book is for structured procrastinators and to suggest don't feel so bad. you're probably a positive thing in society. >> john has a radio show on public radio called philosophy talk. >> absolutely. >> do you ever procrastinate and miss it? >> no. you've gotten yourself in a profession i'm touching around the edges. procrastination can have rather large penalties attached to it. there are two kinds of procrastination. one is pushing things up to the deadline and getting it done with a big adrenaline rush but making it and the other is missing it. now, in broadcasting, you don't want to do that second kind. >> john, we want to make it and we are going to make it tonight. thank you for joining us. >> all right, thank you, gary. >> john perry, "the art of procrastination." coming up next. wanted, young, hip, and trendy and others need not apply. >> she literally looked to my district manager and said that's the store manager. i wanted someone with blond hair and blue eyes. >> ahead, the woman who says she was fired because she's black. she joins me live. >> so you're out and about and not in front of a television to stay connected to cnn. you can pull it up on your cell phone lining i do or watch it from your computer even at work. go to tell them i sent you. fired from her job and she says it's because she is black. nicole said she worked at the trendy clothing store wet seal and that she was fired from her store at the king of prussia mall some pennsylvania because she did not fit an image and she joins me live from philadelphia and also with us on the phone is brad seligman, her lead counselor and class action lawsuit against wet seal. first off, nicole, you said you did so well at one wet seal store you were promoted manager for the store. if that's the case, why do you think you were fired? >> basically, i did very well at this springfield store. i was promoted at king of prussia. the vice president of the company came in and stated that's the store manager? she wanted someone with blond hair and blue eyes. basically, nothing was wrong with my store. i did well with customer service. i had a very excellent team and, later, i saw an e-mail that stated that african-americans dominate and that it was a huge issue and under my name, i was not the right fit for the store. i was later -- >> let me tell our viewers that is the big development in this case. it's not just your word according to this case. there was an e-mail, lawyers say, was written by a vice president of wet seal. the e-mail was forwarded to nicole and we will show it to you. so my question for brad, the attorney, is this a smoking gun or a company looking to diversify? >> it's an astonishing e-mail to come from a major corporation in this country. i should tell you i just got yesterday wet seal's formal answer in the case in which they admitted this e-mail was sent by a senior vice president of the company. the context is really important. the senior vice president, the vice president of stores and the president of the stores had been doing store visits and the message was given to store management around the country that they needed to make sure that there were not too many blacks on the floor, that they were concerned about the image the company and that image they wanted to project was more appealing to whites. >> i know our viewers are wondering, okay, so what does wet seal say about this? we can sell you wet seal would not talk with cnn but did issue this statement and it goes like this. nicole, you're asking for a federal judge to consider this a class action lawsuit on behalf of hundreds of current and former black managers at wet seal. why do you feel this issue is much bigger than your case, nicole? >> this issue is much bigger than my case because it's not just me, know, it's hawkins and miriam and many african-americans all across the country that work for this company and, basically,, you know, we just didn't fit the brand image. if you look at that same e-mail, you'll see other problems in other stores. however, with my particular store, which was the king of prussia store, the only problem was that i didn't fit the brand image. our sales had increased. our shrink was a lot better. i had an excellent team and that very same e-mail you'll see that the fixture package looked fantastic. well, employees had to ensure that the fixture package looked fantastic. if you look in that same e-mail, you'll see that the granite run store was the most embarrassing store in the company. >> nicole, let me ask you one more question because this is important. even a one word answer. if you had blond hair and blue eyes, do you think you would still be at wet seal? >> if i was caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes, i would be at wet seal and maybe even in a higher position in terms of management. >> nicole cogdell and brad, thank you for joining pups the e-mail could certainly be damming and you see wet seal say they have a story to tell and we will see that story probably eventually. thank you to both of you. mitt romney and president obama both want your vote. as "the rolling stone" song goes, "you can't always get what you want." so whose vote can make it?the let's talk a little politics now and how we divide ourselves when we head into the voting booth. we just saw a republican convention this week that featured a lot of women and minorities speakers. even if the delegates in the hall were heavily white and mostly male. omar ali is a associate professor at the university of north carolina greensboro and ana is here. she is very tired after the republican convention she just told me but we're glad she is here and glad to see both of you. thanks for joining us. republicans know america is changing. the growing number of younger nonwhite voting groups vote heavily for barack obama four years ago and most el white and republican voters won't be around around and not a high percentage of them. can the gop and mitt romney attract more minority voters? >> well, they have got to try. they have got to try because the demographic changes are such that if we don't try and don't succeed and make some inroads we will be the minority party and not get back in the white house. i think i've seen a lot of effort this week. i was very proud of the hispanic speakers i saw. they are not token but genuine republican leaders who are in an elected office and they did a terrific job. i came back to miami. everybody here has spoken to me today about how proud they feel and how wonderful marco rubio speech was. i was in the hall and you can sell you susannah martinez was wonderful. >> is it realistic for mitt romney to put a lot of time and money and effort into attracting minority voters when he is running against the first black president? >> i'm not a republican strategist like ana, i'm an independent. what is missing from the framing of the question is that there's a larger transformation in america under way. a culture change is what people really want. a post partisan america is what people are increasingly asking for. in fact, the majority of people don't want to be part of either the democratic or republican party, quite frankly. 51% of latinos are independent and 31% of african-americans between the ages of 18 and 29 are independent as well. so in some ways, in talking about just, you know, the republicans and democrats own what should do what and when is missing out in a process we are in right now. >> ana, obviously, mitt romney needs a good slice of minority support to win this election. how big of a slice do you think he needs? >> you know, i don't think we should be focusing on the national polls like a lot of people do. we need to focus on the swing states and the minority vote there. i think he needs to do better than john mccain did. i don't think he needs to get into the high 30s or up to th

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Miami , Florida , United States , Charlotte , North Carolina , Arizona , Springfield , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Tampa , Philadelphia , Colorado , Decatur , New Mexico , Ohio , Americans , America , American , Omar Ali , Nicole Cogdell , Clint Eastwood , Marco Rubio , Barbara Blaine , John Perry , Barack Obama , Brad Seligman , Joe Biden , Jerry Sandusky , Susannah Martinez , John Mccain ,

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