think i would see someone who's perhaps fraying a bit at the edges and who knows that may lead to poor strategic decisions by donald trump or other behavior that could be self-destructive so the focus today is in picking alternate talk to me about how it's decided and what it means and how many alternatives they pick and why the alternates are needed. >> so there already is one alternate who's been selected and they can select up to five more for a total of six, you need some alternate and every trial in a routine child, you'd probably have about two alternative here. i think they're wise to use the maximum number of six. i don't think it's likely they're going to actually burn through all six alternates you need them as a safety net because it happens that you lose jurors during the trial. now ordinarily, there's all the things that can sideline anyone, someone could get covid, for example, someone could have a family emergency, that kind of thing, in which case you need to swap in an alternate. but this case to me has the highest likelihood of needing to go through at least some of those alternates but any case ever i mean, just