for permits and things like that but the broader fact is and you begun to hear the administration talk about this they're concerned there's a hard core, small minority of americans participating in a delusion and some is about vaccine science and some is about the lies on january 6th. >> i'm going to quote from this new book by evan osnos. i think it's so telling. you say what hanna oren called a pe cure yal kind of cynicism allow the substitution of lies for factual truth to get through the day she wrote people eventually embrace the absolute refusal to believe the truth of anything. and you write i first jotted down that line a few years earlier to make sense of my life in china. i did not expected it would become relevant once i came home. >> yeah. i have to say i lived for a number of years in a authoritarian countries as a reporter writing about places where people had sort of given up on the idea of reliable information. they had been lied to so