folks just weren't doing it. i mean, is this kind of behavior going to get us on the other side of this. if we keep doing this, are we going to be kind of stuck in outbreak mode. >> we could be stuck in outbreak mode, and that's why i think what you're going to be seeing in addition to the fact that people are getting voluntarily vaccinated now on a more and more basis, as you said, we have been a couple of days even over a million per day. i think you're going to see a lot more local mandates, jim, there are going to be organizations, universities, colleges, there are going to be sports events, travel events where the rule is going to be if you want to participate, you get vaccinated. if not, sorry, you're not going to be able to do it. and i think when question get more and more of that, i think we're going to start seeing a great diminution in the number of cases. >> i get folks want to go back to normal life. they want to go to games, right. i want to go to games, but when you look at crowds like that, do you approve of that? or is that just not smart?