>> procedural motions. motions to table. motions to limit testimony to certain subjects. it doesn't matter. but the imposition of roll call votes will make this hearing boring and that in and of itself may be the goal. so watch for how often the republicans ask for roll call votes. >> and collins is an expert on house procedure. so that could occur. on the other hand, do they want to drag this out? do republicans really want to make this go on longer and longer and longer? i mean, that's an open question. >> i think they'll want to show kind of the issues that tee this all up. the republicans are saying, you know, we don't even know what the process is. is the committee going to hear witnesses? what witnesses will appear. what's the timing? what's going on here? we should expect to see a bunch of that. >> and a remarkable phenomenon is republicans have stayed in lockstep. even those initial voices open to calling out the president for inappropriate, perhaps impeachable behavior, the