made it out in the final days. now is worried about his parents and former co-workers who were left there. >> reporter: this is the first day of a new life for zubai and siobhanna. this tiny one bedroom apartment in buffalo, new york, is their new home. >> i can't believe that i am here in united states. sometimes i been telling to my wife i not sleep. no, now you wake up. >> reporter: it was just one week ago when he says he was living a nightmare in afghanistan. >> it was really bad. one minute is like one day. >> reporter: the former translator worked alongside u.s. forces for four years. he applied for a special immigrant visa more than two years ago. zubai was one of the lucky ones, it was granted just two days before the taliban overtuukka bull. but zubai needed to get his family to the airport. he and his father both worked