have been started by trayvon martin. part two of that is that people are criticizing the attorneys for saying things like it's a disgrace. you have to understand, these gentlemen have been living this case for a year and a half. they probably have fielded hate e-mails, hate calls. tonight and today they are victorious. and to the victor, for now, go the spoils. we have to forgive them for maybe saying something that isn't said with the slick packaging of a pr expert. they have been living this case, breathing it, and i understand, we should be thrilled as audience members that we had the opportunity to see the raw moment of a press conference which probably, maybe they shouldn't have given right after the win, but we certainly, the benefit to us was we got to see the raw emotion, things they may not have said a week from now. >> i don't know that -- i don't know what the benefit of that necessarily is, particularly when there were no winners in this case. i know that, technically, their