personal e-mail accounts associated with the director of the cia and the head of homeland security were breached by hackers. a group calling themselves cwa is taking credit for hacking into their private e-mail accounts and has been tweeting out information they claim to have gathered when they gained access. our laurie segall spoke to those alleged hackers. she joins us now from london. what an interesting story, what an interesting conversation. >> reporter: yes, this is obviously pretty embarrassing for the cia. i will say this. but i spoke to these hackers, they described themselves almost as stoners, as these alleged hackers. i was able to reach them yesterday on the phone. thou they disguised their voices. they tell me how and why they did it. take a look. >> you claim you were able to hack the private e-mail account of the cia director. how did you do that? >> well, we had most of his