critics say it is taking away necessary equipment that can jeopardize safety. one of those critics is law enforcement analyst and retired nypd detective harry houck. also joining us cnn political commentator and host of huff post live marc la mont hill. you are not the military you are not the police. you do not need military type equipment. it sends an intimidating message and starts our trouble. you don't need it. let's take it away. >> where does it start trouble? i've never seen that. a talking point just pulled out of the air saying if police officers have military equipment that it starts some trouble. i think the president's more worry about hurting somebody's feelings than the lives of police officers. i've never seen cops with bayonets or grenade launchers. i've made some phone calls. nobody knows anybody with grenade launchers or any bayonets. the one thing i'm worried about in this whole comment here was basically that no riot equipment will be transferred to police.