so the waves are a little bit choppy and that can present some issues to launching some of the smaller craft that we use to deploy the side scan sonar from however, the fort worth is equipped with some larger versions of those crafts so they can handle a little choppier waves than the other ships we have. >> tell us about the equipment you are using the side scan sonar. >> reporter: it's a high frequency high scan sonar. it's called the tow fish system. it's designed to mount the bottom of the oaks floor. it provides highly accurate imagery for further analysis. it can find things as small as a golf ball. it can go as large as a fuselage. >> that's incredible. as small as a golf buhl. so has this sonar yet detected something as big as the fuselage? >> so far what the u.s. navy has detected we haven't found any items of interest yet. our doifrs continue to scan the area. like we said the areas they are