happened, the civil aviation authority in south africa said to us that the aircraft travels down a taxiway that was too narrow for it. there is now a full investigation under way, so we'll keep an eye on. that also, it's a very busy time for travel in the holiday season the run up to christmas the aircraft involved the mood and disruptions have not taken place with operations of the airport. travel continues as normal, chris. all right, rosie, thank you for the reporting. nobody in that building got hurt, either. let's get to miguel marquez, he is in for mikaela. he has the top senators. >> the ms have it today. making news the united emirates have sentenced a minnesota man to prison. he got in trouble for a parody video he posted on the internet. he claims he was poking fun at teens in dubai, but authorities claim he broke the country's cyber crime laws and endangered national security. it's back to court today for