thousands of residents near washington, d.c., are waking up to a water shortage. >> it's hot, number one, and i'm concerned about personal hygiene and i have babies in the house. >> reporter: crews shut down a major water main for repairs last night. with temperatures expected to hit near 100 degrees this week they're anxious to get that water flowing. >> we suspect it will be from three to as long as five days for everything to be returned to the way it was. >> reporter: and the scorching conditions aren't letting up along the eastern seaboard. at new york citi field last night thousands tried to stay cool at the major league baseball all-star game where temperatures soared into the 90s. hot spots popped up all over the city. wow that's shot, 123 degree slide, yeah, that's fun, 134 degrees steaming concrete in my face. 96 degrees, ouch. temperatures in the 90s combined with humidity will make it feel