demographics he wants to go after. >> on that same vein, kevin, why don't you dovetail onto what maria was saying about the wishy-washy factor that some people criticize rand paul has being. he's been very isolationist and now yet has talked about boning up on military spending. he's stayed fairly quiet on iran, kind of excited about what might happen today if anything. but isn't this problematic for this senator? >> look, what makes rand paul very interesting to so many of us is that he is -- he doesn't really fit into a lot of these neat little boxes that we usually fit him into. on some issues, he's very libertarian. on some issues, he's very conservative. i think that is what makes him a very unconventional politician. and right now, many voters are looking for an unconventional leader in the republican primary context. but to your may not point, the main question that he's going to have right now is that the