planes, in new york, new mexico and in the u.s. virgin islands. in addition to being a participant in the abuse of jane doe number 3 the filing continues, and other minors, dershowitz was an eye witness to the sexual abuse of many other minors by epstein and several other of epstein's co-conspirato co-conspirators. for his part mr. dershowitz appeared on "new day" and vee mentally denied those accusations. >> she says i'm trying to silence her. it's the exact opposite. repeat the statements so that i can sue you but the statements were filed in a privileged legal document. the document didn't ask for a hearing, didn't say we can prove it just through this think bomb. it's the legal equivalent of writing graffiti on a bathroom wall and then running away, but i will take action. i am filing today a sworn affidavit denying categorically the truth. i'm seeking to intervene in the