it appeared that the motive probably was sexual related. >> the victim was identified as 27-year-old dana satterfield, the owner of the hair salon. she was the mother of two young children. >> she had worked in the hair business for seven years. i want to say she had been in the shop for three or four. when i say shop, it was a converted mobile home made into a beauty salon. >> the murder happened at 8:30 when the shop was still open, although the logbook indicated no one was scheduled for an appointment. >> i think she would usually try to get out before it would get dark, but it wasn't uncommon for her to work that late. >> the witness, diane harris, described the man as white, about 5'9" and wearing jeans and a gray t-shirt. >> she was very good on height. obviously, race is important. rule out a large segment of the population.