name. you don't know me well. let's get a grip on that first. support and uplift those who are doing things and also remind them of the responsibilities. >> that's right. >> they that have and carry if they're going to carry messages. >> these kids are expressing themselves which they're entitled to do but this is a way to do it. >> mom decided she was going to get respect. >> i have two sons and they also understand that i'm crazy. [ laughter ] >> they understand very well that i am crazy. >> she decided to have a meeting with snoop, shug knight, a whole bunch of gangster rappers. >> i said you need to talk to me and i need to talk to you. ♪ snoop doggie dog in the house ♪ >> i was young, not thuggish, not really like who i am now. so we like dionne warwick? what she want to do with us? we scared and shook up.