you just wonder if you're going to be forgotten. >> what do you think about that in that period? are you at this point after a while do you lose the fear that one morning someone is going to come in and kill you? >> yes, you do. you're this thing they're keeping alive to sort of trade for what they want later on. it's incredibly isolating. i had this afghan journalist who spoke english and i could talk to him. what's different in bergdahl's case is he was completely alone. i learned a local language. you try to humanize yourself and keep yourself alive so you tell them stories about your life and you talk about family, anything human to stay away from politics. >> you say stay away from politics because they would get very angry? >> they had these sort of delusional ideas about the united states and about what they would do for a hostage. the initial demands for my release were $25 million in cash and 15 prisoners from guantanamo bay cuba. when we escaped it was 7 million