would be interesting to hear them come out and just the way the commercial space industry has -- has weighed in by withdrawing their resources and closing up shop there. it'd be good to have hollywood put some skin in the game, and come out and do the same thing, especially in this moment where the russians are pivoting to a defensive operation that's still going to be bloody and protracted. they have gone too far way past where they should be with regards to secure supply lines. this would be the time to make sure these messages are getting through to the soldiers, as well as to the russian public that is going to start hearing more about casualties. >> colonel, thank you so much for -- for all of that insight and those -- those points. i really appreciate your sharing it. thank you. >> thank you. and next, a stark and devastating monument in lviv tonight. strollers in the town square. each representing the death of a child from the war. and he calls putin his best friend, so will xi jinping do something? will he listen to biden when it comes to not helping russia?