narrowest, which was around the second ping, the 13 minutes, they're going slightly northwest towards the first ping because that gave them the longest, more than two hours worth of location. it's going to take more time because you're doing it slow. you're doing it low, and in this case, we believe that the terrain is slightly more rugged, but it is certainly deeper. so there are no easy options here. any idea that they're going to have a lot more of a simple solution is simply not true. >> tim, it's also, let's take the remus 6,000. it doesn't send up images immediately. but you can use more than one at a time. >> yeah. the remus 3000 is like the bluefin-21, but it can go deeper. >> which might mean in this new search area richard is referring to they might need to use that. >> exactly. and they don't have to stop using the other asset. they can put both in play and the remus can work in the deeper water and they can pick another search area that is a little