kingdom, very serious, you have to take their threats seriously but at the same time it is very, very nutty. >> all right. thank you very much. i mean nutty is the right word even though, of course, so dire and serious. all right. we have a little more on our breaking news story. i want to get straight to atlanta. four firefighters hostage in suanee, georgia. david mattingly just heard shots fired. >> reporter: what we heard were a series of explosions. first, a loud explosion like a shot grenade which is usually the first thing that s.w.a.t. teams use when they enter a location like this. that's what we heard. and then immediately after there were several smaller concussions, possibly tear gas that was being used on this. now this has all transpired in the last five minutes. we're hearing sirens in the neighborhood. the police at this end of the neighborhood where they have everyone held back seem to be a