now let's check in with wolf blitzer. he's in for anderson and has a look at what is coming up on "ac 360." >> thanks very much. we'll have much more on the shocking killing of the texas district attorney and his wife. that is ahead on 360. were the murders the work of a lone wolf or part of a larger plot? there's been some speculation. it's the work of a white supremacist prison gang. we'll speak with a former top recruiter for the skinhead movement. also coming up tonight, a controversial shotgun give away in a high crime neighborhood in tucson. the man behind the plan says it will bring down crime rates. we'll also ask mark kelly whose wife was nearly killed what he thinks of the plan much those stories and dr. sanjay gupta. he weighs in on the gruesome injury to the louisville basketball player kevin ware whose leg was broken so badly that his teammates turned away in horrorment he's already out of bed and getting an on