Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20120410 : compare

CNN Erin Burnett OutFront April 10, 2012

the traffic. a statement from zimmerman, as a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, i've been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family, and ultimately my entire life. he goes on, i have created a paypal account solely linked on this website, as i would like to provide an avenue to thank my supporters personally, and ensure that any funds provided are used only for living expenses and legal defense in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment. and on this website, is signed george zimmerman, multiple sources have told cnn this is his website. in the meantime tonight, all eyes are on the special prosecutor in florida, angela corey. she made news today announcing she would not convene a grand jury in the shooting death of the florida teenager. she's said for weeks now, that a grand jury is not necessary to file any charges against george zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed trayvon martin back on february 26th. in a statement today, angela cory said the decision should not be a factor in the final determination of the case. still trayvon martin's parents said they were hopeful an arrest would follow the state prosecutor's decision. natalie jackson is one of the attorneys representing trayvon martin's family. she comes out front tonight. i talked to her earlier, and asked her why she thought the special prosecutor made the right move. >> we think that she has enough evidence to make the arrest herself. and this time sending to a grand jury. we don't know what the outcome would be with the racial implications that have been brought into this case, and the other agendas that have been brought into this case. >> despite the agenda, we don't know what will happen. have you the 911 tapes coming out, trayvon martin's phone records were released. i'm sure being in touch with his parents each and every time they thought, maybe this time. maybe an arrest. but here's my what if to you tonight, what if the evidence speaks for itself, and george zimmerman doesn't ever get arrested? what then? >> that's a possibility at this point, the evidence is out there, we need to look no further than george zimmerman's own words in his taped phone call to the police dispatch. that's enough evidence to send this to the jury, and make him prove his self-defense. >> i understand, but to george zimmerman and his attorney's perspective, they say he was standing his own ground. i have to press you and say, what if he never ever faces charges. >> if he never faces charges, which we don't think that should happen, then i think that for his family, his family will have to move on and they'll have to continue to carry on trayvon's legacy. and their quest for justice. be it in the public arena or the legal arena. >> let me ask you something that we got from george zimmerman's attorney, actually one our correspondents in texas today. this is from the attorney, not surprised, in reaction to the fact that we won't be having a grand jury now. not surpriseds don't know what her decision will be, courageous move on her part. interestingly you all seem to agree this is a good move. >> right, we're all lawyers, and we are to uphold the judicial system. we're to believe in it, i will say that i think their lawyers know and george zimmerman knows he's going to face a jury. he has to face a jury, and he has all the rights that he would have when he faces the jury. he has the presumption of innocence, the right to remain silent. he has the right to bring out any witnesses that he has in his defense or to testify for himself. the problem is, and the most egregious thing about this case, is that there was never an arre arrest. george never had to do it. no one should be able to says not my fault. self-defense, when they kill an innocent child who's walking home from the store, 70 yards away from his house. >> this story has been catapulted into the national spotlight. my question is this, where do you think you would be right now, had all this national media coverage never happened? >> we have said it once and we'll say it 1,000 times. we know without the public outcry, this case was a dead case, there would have never been a special fros cuter assigned. there would have never been a chance for this to go to a jury. so this family is so appreciative to everybody who's out there and been supportive of them. >> i want to bring in now paul callon, i have to ask you, we have the news, we actually now are seeing for the first time george zimmerman's words on this website. he's thanking his supporters, pleading for them to contribute to paypal for money to live. >> this is bizarre, it's a murder case that has started to look like a political campaign. you have a defendant in a potential murder case starting to raise funds. obviously, he's anticipating there's going to be a criminal charge against him, he needs money to pay lawyers. i think he's fund-raising for his lawyers, yes. >> the news today, angela corey now deciding not to take this to the grand jury. bold move, surprising move? >> bold, fascinating, surprising. most cases in florida do not go to grand juries, a grand jury was impanelled in this very case by the prior d.a., the state's attorney when he impanelled it could have used it for investigative services. the new prosecutor says, i'm going to make this decision myself. i think it's a very startling move. >> she's feeling confident, if this had gone to grand jury, she could or one could scapegoat saying, i couldn't get the indictment, based on the folks who have heard this case, she's a tough cookie? >> she's very tough. you look at her background she's tried over 50 homicide cases, she doesn't have a reputation for not indicting. on this grand jury thing, a lot of times prosecutors will use a grand jury for political cover. it's a weak case. they want to get the case thrown out. the grand jury dismissed the cases i didn't. she's taken away the political cover here, which says to me, he's either going to be charged with murder or manslaughter. i think it's a done deal that charmings are going to come down against george zimmerman. >> we know he won't face capital, because that's what you can get when you go in front of a grand jury. is there a clock tick something when might we anticipate, even if she is feeling confident and there could be an arrest imminent? >> the clock is not ticking in the sense that she could extend this investigation for months if she wanted to. the clock only starts to tick when an arrest is made and you have speedy trial issues. i will anticipate she will move quickly on this. she's been involved in the case for quite a while, pretty much all of the facts have been gamgerred, from a factual standpoint, most prosecutors would say this is a simple fact pattern in the sense that there are not a lot of witnesses, forensic evidence. i think you're going to see her come down with charges very soon. she could opt not to charge. she wants a complete investigation. she needs all the evidence she can come up with, it's going to be a tough case. you're going to have to convince 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt, that's not going to be easy. >> unanimously. >> yes. >> paul callon, thanks for joining us. coming up ahead on "outfront" do these new photos give president obama the ammunition he needs to win fights from middle class voters? 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>> reporter: yeah, the judge is holding the first 50 prospective jurors. they have seated nine people so far so they have made some progress, but he's going late into the afternoon here. they likely won't get to the 12 jurors plus the six alternates today, meaning the next pool of 50 will be back here tomorrow. >> how concerned is the defense? we're talking about jennifer hudson, high profile, sitting in that courtroom. how much of a concern is there over her? >> reporter: well, a huge concern. you mentioned that a lot of the jury questionnaire centered around jennifer hudson. if you have a victim family member in the courtroom during a trial, it doesn't matter who it is, they're going to get empathy from a jury. if that person is a celebrity on the status of jennifer hudson, that changes the complexity of the courtroom. today during the voir dire process, one of the jurors said i can't be partial. i'm a huge jennifer hudson fan and i just feel so bad about what happened to her, so they bounced her. but it's those ones that don't admit that during voir dire the defense has to worry about. >> what about for the prosecution, how easy will it be for them to make their case against balfour? >> reporter: well, quite frankly, this is a triple murder with not a lot of physical evidence, which is unusual when you usually have -- when you have three dead bodies, there's usually a lot of forensic evidence that ties it to the suspect. in this case there's not a lot of physical evidence to link william balfour to the crimes. they do have a little gunshot residue but they do have a hurdle to climb. how they'll do, they're going to basically establish for this jury, that balfour threatened to do exactly this, to kill his ex-wife's family. >> ted rowlands, we know you'll be watching. thank you. bubba watson's unbelievable hook shot helped him win the first-ever masters tournament and now gets to wear, of course, the infamous green jacket. one problem, though, it covers the logos of some of his sponsors which include ping, travis matthew and footjoy. another one of his sponsors is marquee jets, owner of net jets, whose customers by fractional ownership in private jets. here's our number tonight, $119,900. that is the base cost of buying one of these marquee jet cards that gets you 25 hours of flight time which the company describes as the ideal entry level business jet. doesn't include government taxes and fees, by the way, but bubba can afford it. he won $1.4 million last night. we are betting marquee gives him a wee bit of a discount. much more about bubba watson and his big win coming up. also ahead, we are just days away from north korea's rocket launch. what it means for america. for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it rai

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