helicopter, they greet him, shake hands quickly with the afghans. >> see the pat-down? a lot of people noted that bowe bergdahl was actually patted down by u.s. special forces right there. >> watch again. grab him quickly. you're right, you're right. >> gives you a sense how little trust there is, even as this exchange is going on. >> you can see members of the special forces never fully turn their backs on the taliban fighters there and the taliban, 18 of them are up in the hills with guns watching this all -- it all happens in just seconds, really, and it's the first time we've seen his face in months. let's get right to senior international correspondent matthew chance, live for us this morning at landstuhl medical center in germany. that's where bowe bergdahl is being treated right now. matthew, one of the most striking parts of the video is, is when the americans apparently ask the men about bergdahl's condition. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah, apparently, according to the narration of the video, which is in the pashto language, spoken by an