know, that the holocaust was white on white crime. give me a break. this was a racist, horrific act of brutality. and if we think about those -- the kkk people, don, who in her scenario would be chasing her down the street. let me tell you, they would chase her and me because anti-semitism is at the beating heart of white supremacy. blacks and jews, we have so much in common, particularly that we have faced bigotry through the ages. and again, let's hope, don, that through this moment we can find ways to work together to face the hate that threatens all of us. >> let me ask you, because as i am honestly -- this is in real time. as i'm interviewing you i have people texting me. jewish friends texting me. one of them is saying censorship at its finest. "i understood what she was trying to say. it was clumsy but i don't think it was malevolent." what do you say to that? >> well, i don't know who your friend is and i don't know exactly what the context of the