they can pass that tomorrow. they should have pass that had august. the bigger problem is what john talked about, the reconciliation bill, the build back better. what'ses top number, 1.75 trillion. what's in the bill, what's not in the bill. those are key questions. you can't write a bill until you know the answers to those. right now, i think it's long past time they pass this infrastructure bill. if they would have done it in august, they probably would have had several dozen republican votes, now they'll be lucky to get ten because they have tied the two bills together, infrastructure and reconciliation. it's a hot mess. i doubt anything is going to be accomplished on reconciliation, hopefully they'll vote on infrastructure tomorrow. >> president biden ran as a candidate that knew how to make deals in washington, could get things done. bipartisan shim, bipartisanship, what is the damage to biden's presidency if he can't ultimately get his agenda over