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[ applause ] so my Brother And Sister new yorkers, this has been a painful last few weeks. But the pain unites us in this moment. In this moment of grief, we will rise to the moment and the purpose. But i know the powerful feeling that we have in this city that will give us the strength and endurance to move forward to do everything we can to end the senseless violence in this city, to build a city of peace out of the ashes of fear. We will rise, new york city, because we are a city of people, of people like officer Wilbert Rivera and officer mora. Well never forget their names and their acts of heroism. Officer mora, our hearts are with you today and always, and we know your hearts are with us. Before i take my seat, i want us also to reflect on Officer Summit. In that house, there were several rounds that was in a modified weapon. Theres an ar15 under the mattress. Officers responded to the 10 13 call, was willing to walk through the door and face danger. If Officer Summit did not take immediate action, we would have lost more civilians and potentially more officers. When i stopped to visit him in queens with his family, i saw his commitment and dedication. I say to him hes a hero to save the lives of his fellow officers. And i thank him. [ applause ] and i wondered when i walked into his home, there was a Question Mark that lingered over his feeling and response that i felt. And i asked whats next. He straightened that Question Mark with an exclamation point. He said, im going to put on that uniform and im going to go back and protect my city. We will win this fight. We will win it together. Thank you. Im kate bolduan. Weve been listening together to mayor Eric Adams Eulogizing Wilbert Mora who was killed along with his partner in new york two weeks ago. These are powerful words from the mayor. We want to show you outside the church now, a sea of officers there to honor, pay their respects, honor his sacrifice and reflect on wilbert moras bravery. Shimon prokupecz is live for us outside the cathedral. Reporter i dont know if you can see this live, but if you look down the street for several blocks, the thousands and thousands of Police Officers lined up here shoulder to shoulder as they await the services here to end and the procession for officer moras coffin, his casket, to be brought out and driven down this avenue as they get to say goodbye for the last time to this officer who truly gave so much in such a young, young life. Of course, his life sadly coming to an end after being shot inside an apartment in harlem after responding to a 911 call. But you heard the mayor here talking about what mora did after he died, donating his organs, almost every organ in his body was donated so save five lives because his family agreed to donate his organs. You heard the mayor again talk about new york city and how this death and the death of the other officer are to unite this city, to end the violence, and also speaking to the thousands of officers inside the cathedral but also outside, telling them that he is going to give them the resources to end the violence, to end the gun violence, specifically the mayor hitting on the point that there are just too many guns on the streets, and hes going to give them the resources to end the violence. We expect also shortly to hear from some of officer moras Family Members and then the final goodbye, when theyll be bringing out the casket and the officers here will be able to say goodbye. For the second time in just a week, shimon. Its really remarkable. But as the mayor said, the city will unite in this moment. We sure hope it does. Thank you, shimon, appreciate it. The pentagon just announcing they will deploy 3,000 additional troops to Eastern Europe in just days. These are separate from the 8500 troops that the pentagon put on heightened alert to deploy last week, all of this having to do with Vladimir Putin continuing to build up Tens Of Thousands of Russian Troops near ukraine. These new Satellite Images youre looking at here show just that, Russian Forces and equipment along ukraines border. Cnns Barbara Starr is live at the pentagon with breaking details. Barbara, you asked a pressing question in that Press Conference about why now to john kirby. What did you hear . Reporter one of the key questions, has something changed on the ground . Why not last week, why not next week . Look, they are saying Vladimir Putin poses a direct threat to ukraine with his buildup, with his aggression, and they want to make a move to bolster nato allies in Eastern Europe at this time. The question is, do they have any reason to believe that putin might make a move, may cross the border into a nato country . You dont get a very clear answer. You get the answer they want to send these troops from both already in europe and from the United States to bolster the allies. But heres a little bit more of what kirby had to say. In terms of why now, heres just a couple of factors. Mr. Putin continues to add forces, combined arms, offensive capabilities, even over just the last 24 hours, he continues to add in Western Russia and in belarus and again, as i said, in the mediterranean and the north atlantic. He has shown no signs of being interested or willing to deescalate the tensions. Its not just the United States thats noticed this. Our nato allies have noticed this. So the nato allies, according to the pentagon, want the reassurance, the signal sending of having u. S. Forces on their territory. These troops will largely go to poland, romania, some will go to germany at headquarters to command all these troops. The pentagon says this will be temporary. But a key question is temporary . How do you know when you have success . How do we know Vladimir Putin wont be reassembling troops and going at it again. Kate . Good point, barbara. Joining us is military analyst cedric leighton. Also we have the former ambassador to ukraine. Ba your reaction to the pentagon. We need to let them know not only are we watching, but were prepared to do certain things. It has the effect of shoring up natos morale, in essence, and the ability of nato to defend itself should the need arise, should the russians move into ukraine territory, nobody thinks right now thats going to happen. But i think there is an uncertainty about putins moves that either a miscalculation could occur or that, you know, he may deliberately try to do Something Like this at some point. We may be looking at the start of longterm deployments to europe precisely for that reason, and it also means that in this particular case, were doing this independent of nato but in concert with nato. So thats whats going on at the moment with this, and it is the u. S. Response, i think, that is necessary at this moment in time. Ambassador taylor, whats your reaction . From a diplomatic standpoint, what does this do to the state of this conflict . So, kate, i think this is a very good signal, as Colonel Leighton just said. I think that this is a demonstration, an indication that the biden administration, the United States, is willing to take active deterrent measures. Again, this is designed to deter an invasion of ukraine. Putin has all the necessary forces to do that and he surprised us before. He has invaded ukraine in 2014 and no one expected that. So we do have to be ready, and part of being ready is to deter him, is to show that the United States is willing to take active measures, is willing to move troops in the direction of the eastern part of the Nato Alliance to deter him, to demonstrate that were ready to deal with any of those kind of contingencies. Now, my own sense is that President Putin is deterred, is being deterred. Hes looking for a way out, i think, and this kind of active measure will reinforce the doubts in his mind that he can achieve what he wants through an invasion. Hell try to achieve what he wants now, i hope, through negotiations. Thats the way to go. Its not through a Military Invasion of ukraine. And thats what this movement of troops does today. Ambassador, you also just met with ukraines president zelensky. How do you assess what hes doing . Is this something he wanted to see . It is something he wanted to see, kate. President zelensky, as we know, has been trying to send a message, a firm message, a calm message, a determined message that theyre ready. Theyre prepared. They would like to have a negotiation rather than an invasion. When it comes to an invasion, president zelensky has indicated his troops are ready, his civilians are ready. The other thing i noticed in ukraine, in kyiv yesterday or the day before, was that a determination, a kind of grim determination, among civilians. Theyre ready to defend their land. So they are happy, president zelensky is happy to see this movement, this active measure, active deterrent measure by the United States to reinforce the capabilities of the United States in europe. This feels like another important moment in this very tense conflict. I really appreciate both of your perspectives on this. Please stay close. Thank you very much. Coming for us, an explosive lawsuit disputes the league of Racial Discrimination. An nfl owner offered him money to lose games. Thats next. Kick pain in the aspercreme. Three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. Pedialyte powder packs. Feel better fast. The new Ww Personalpoints Program changed my life. You look great no two plans are the same. You can even eat this and these in the same. I mean, not at the same time. 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Astrazeneca may be able to help. Farxiga hes been a larger than life figure at this organization for more than a decade, a pioneering figure, and now his resignation is stunning this newsroom and the news industry. Let me read his memo in full and put it into context for the viewers. He wrote to staffers a few minutes ago, quote, as part of the investigation into chris cuomos tenure at cnn, chris fired last month, i was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone i have worked with for more than 20 years. I acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years. I was advised to digs d disclo when it began. I did not. As a result, i am resigning today. I came to cnn on january 28, 2013. Together we had nine great years. I certainly wish my tenure here had ended differently. But it was an amazing run. That was a stunner of jeff zucker. He will be announcing an interim plan, the ceo, in other words, hes not replacing him shortly. He refers to a consensual relationship with his closest colleague. That colleague is allison gullis. She has worked with zucker for decades. They were together at nbc in the today show in the 90s, then at nbc universal, now at cnn and warner media. According to the memo here, it was a consensual relationship that evolved in recent years, and he did not disclose it, and thus, that is why hes resigning. Kate, while were speaking here, a statement from Allison Gullist as well. A Top Executive at cnn, she is remaining with the company, and heres what she says. Jeff and i have been Close Friends and partners for over 20 years. Recently our relationship changed during covid. I regret that we didnt disclose it at the right time. Im incredibly proud of my time at cnn and look forward to continuing the great work we do every day. This is a scenario where you have people who are working together for a long time, then they start a personal relationship, and because theyre both acknowledging they did not disclose it at the time, zucker saying he should have disclosed it right away, that is why he said hes resigned effective immediately. Kate, we both know jeff zucker has been the rock for this organization. The last few days he has not been on the morning editorial calls. Some people even noticed and wondered if something was amiss. I dont think anyone saw this coming this morning in an announcement like this. I think if zucker was on this call this morning, i know what he would say. He would say its not the person on top, its the team we all played for. Its cnn as an organization. This News Operation so much bigger than any single person, so the news goes on, but now without the Top Executive. Keep reporting the news. Thats what he would say. Brian, thank you so much. Really appreciate it. We have to turn to another story were watching very closely today. The nfl rocked for an explosion sieve lawsuit. A dolphins coach, flores, says he was forced to sit in a sham interview with the New York Giants even though a white coach had already been selected. He makes another stunning allegation in this lawsuit as well, including Dolphins Owner steven ross offering 100,000 for every loss in order to improve their chances at a top draft pick in a 2020 season. We talked to flores about why. This is not about me. This is girgbigger than me. This is bigger than football. Many have come before and done a lot to create change in this country for people of color, and i just felt like in this instance, you know, it was my turn to step up and be an agent for change, and im proud to do that. Cnns andy scholes joins me more on this lawsuit. Andy, tell me more. Reporter brian said what happened with the dolphins was the last straw. It took a text with Bill Belichick to take this stand. Belichick texted flores congratulating him on getting that giants job before he had even interviewed yet. He had heard from giants and buffalo that you were the guy. Flores then responded asking if he had the right brian, and then belichick responded, quote, sorry. I fed this up. I doublechecked and misread the text. I think theyre naming brian gable, gable and flores both assistant coaches. This is before he had his interview with the giants and that interview a sham. It was just to check the box which said they had to interview minority coaches. It was humiliating, to be honest. There was disbelief, there was anger, a wave of emotions for a lot of reasons. And i think this is why we filed a lawsuit. I thought about guys on my staff or my previous staff in miami who i know are more than capable who have the discipline to lead. I just want them to have the opportunity to stand in front of an owner and have a real opportunity to get one of those jobs and lead a team. Reporter now, the giants released a statement saying flores was considered until the 11th hour and they hired the person they believed to be the most qualified. Now, in the Lawsuit Flores also alleges that Dolphins Owner steven ross offered him 100,000 for every loss in the season in order to get a higher draft pick. Ross said we refused. Flores was fired despite eight wins with miami. He said there are a few issues in which our teams and our clubs and Leadership Team spend more time. We will defend against these claims which are without merit. Flores also said he loves coaching football. Hes a gifted football coach. He wants to continue to coach, kate. There are right now five head Coaching Jobs that are still open in the nfl. Flores considered a finalist for the Houston Texans job, and he said this morning, kate, that hes still hopeful he will get a head coaching job. Andy, thank you for pointing that out. I really appreciate it. Cnn Senior Analyst el elie hoenig. Youve been writing about this diversity for a long time. What do you make of the florida lawsuit and the impact its going to have . Its about time. And the irony that this happened on the first day of black History Month just two years after 2020, which was dubbed as this socalled Racial Awakening In America which we now see is not. But the thing i want people to realize no matter how this plays out as brian flores is dealing with the same thing Colin Kaepernick had to face a couple years ago, and despite the racism and slogans and decals the nfl has tried to put out there and say they have made some changes, we are back in the exact same situation, and thats the thing i want people to remember about this situation. I have more questions on that, but let me ask elie about this lawsuit. What does he have to prove . Why a Class Action Lawsuit . What is your take on this . Kate, this is real a legal nightmare for the nfl because it hits at three core issues that the nfl has long had problems with. One, first and foremost, Racial Discrimination in hiring. Also the practice of intentionally losing games to get a better draft pick, and finally tampering, which means recruiting players. All of thiese are longstanding concerns for the nfl. What does brian flores need to show . He needs to show that this is a pattern and practice in the nfl. The way he does that is one of two ways. One, he uses specific examples, he uses his own experience, he uses statements made by nfl officials acknowledging that. And two, he uses statistics. 17 black players, one black coach. Thats less than 20 years ago. Elie, ive been told they think its a slam dunk case. Do you think it is . The nfl will try to fight this. They will try to get the case dismissed, they will try to get the case over to arbitration, which means outside a formal court system, there are provisions in the nfl league rules and contracts that require some of these disputes to go to arbitration. Thats going to be a key dispute. The nfl will not go without a fight here. My colleague john berman asked flores if he feels hes putting his career in jeopardy with what hes done in this lawsuit. I want to play for you what he said. I understand the risk. I love coaching football, im called to Coach Football and i still want to coach. Lets be clear about that. But this is bigger than coaching, this is bigger than me. The numbers speak for themselves as far as the hiring and firing and the lack of opportunities for minority and black head coaches and executives in the National Football league. We need to change. We need things to change. Hes had interviews the past few days with the texans and the saints, but do you think flores will coach in the nfl again . Its a key question, because as youre talking about the Colin Kaepernick example, how do you show progress if you dont show progress, right . Correct. To answer your question, no. Its a wrap for brian flores and for the people watching this and having this conversation, theyll think, oh, no, lets be hopeful. If this situation changes, lets hope he gets a job. Stop thinking that. Because hoping this league would do the right thing is why we keep being in this situation. And even if for some reason he was given a job with the texans, just google the history of that franchise and the racist past they have. Thats not acting like we didnt see Dave Mccauley with the texans last year that got hired and then gets fired within a year. If he does get a job, it will be Something Like lets give it to him as a pr stunt and i wouldnt be surprised if he got fired soon after. Do i think hes going to get hired again . No, his career is done, because this is the nfl, and when you have a smoking gun or some type of proof of the type of things we know have been going on, they find a way to banish you. And this gets to a really important question here, elie, which is, what is the solution here . How do they move forward with this with any credibility. The union rule clearly doesnt work. Elie, how do you advise the league or what would you say . Well, yeah, the lawsuit definitely exposes the rooney rule as more honored in the breach than in practice. The lawsuit itself, what coach flores is asking for here, he asked for monetary damages, but he also asked for what we call specific relief. He asked the nfl to adopt new policies to make sure people of color are at the table. To make sure decisions of hiring and firing are documented with subjective specific reasons. There is no way to fix this as it goes back many generations. But what brian flores is seeking here is not just money for himself and for others but specific remedies that may help the nfl get back on track. Elie, thank you. Carron, thank you for coming in. A new warning from the health organization. We are not Out Of The Woods yet. Why they are pushing back as more countries loosen covid restrictions, next. Neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of Brain Performance. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. Youre a oneman stitchwork master. But your staffing plan needs to go up a size. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire i didnt know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. I travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. Maybe even lifesaving. Do you know what the future holds . This may sound strange, but youve been here before. 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Denmark is making big moves this morning, becoming the first european country to lift all covid restrictions, ending nearly two years of lockdowns, Mask Mandates and limited gatherings. As more countries are beginning to move in that direction, the World Health Organization is speaking up and urging caution. We consider that a narrative has taken hold in some countries that because of vaccines and because of omicrons high t transm transmissibility, preventing transmission is no longer necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is dr. Richard besser. Hes an active officer at the cdc. We have former cdc director tom freedman saying he is cautiously optimistic of where things are heading with the pandemic. Where are you on this . Yeah, you know, kate, its really tricky messaging around this. I do have a sense of optimism as i see the numbers. I see the numbers of cases due to omicron declining dramatically, especially those areas that were hit early on. At the same time i worry that were accepting more than 2500 people dying of covid every day as a normal state. And that cant be. So trying to message around being hopeful, seeing signs of things moving in the right direction. We need to make sure we do Everything Possible to prevent transmission, reduce transmission so we can save lives. Thats critically important. Doctor, you are a very well known pediatrician as well, and i want to ask about pfizers announcement that theyre now asking for Emergency Authorization of the vaccine for children younger than five. Seeking approval on a twodose regimen even as theyre testing a third dose with this group of kids. What do you think about this . Does this make sense . As a pediatrician and a parent, i know its so important to get vaccines that are safe and effective for children of all ages. I talk to parents of young children. They worry. They worry about their children being out and about because theyre not vaccinated. Thankfully the younger children are the less likely they are to have severe disease, be hospitalized or to die, but we are seeing because of how contagious this omicron is, were seeing children getting this in very high numbers and were seeing a lot of children in the hospital. So the goal of having a safe and effective vaccine, i think, is the right one. Im going to be watching the committee hearings, the Fda Advisory Committee hearings very closely. Those take place on february 15th. And the reason for that is that theres a bit of a tradeoff here. Pfizer, when they released that information in december, said that the vaccines were not as effective as they would like to see in really young kids, and that they think theyre going to need to see a third dose and see what that does. Its very likely a third dose will increase the level of protection. But the fda, i dont know that theyve ever, in their past, approved a vaccine nor authorized a vaccine in this kind of situation where theyre expecting the results of unyet presented information, unyet collected information, to push them over the finish line in temples of what they want to see. The committee of experts, i want to see how they weigh this. Is the desire to have a safe and effective vaccine as quickly as possible . Does that outweigh their desire to see the full amount of information before they say lets go ahead. Im not sure how theyre going to come down on that. I want to see their deliberations and thinking before i decide what i would want to say to my patients. And ill wait to hear from you on what you think afterwards. Its great to see you, dr. Besser. Thank you so much. Coming up for us, why did it take weeks for Connecticut Police to investigate the death of a black woman . Im going to talk to her family next. 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It puts both of my babies to sleep. Look at you making a space that works perfectly for all of you i could use a good nap. Developing this morning, dramatic new video shows the Moment Police in virginia took a suspect into custody after they say he shot and killed two college Police Officers. The shooting happened on the campus of Bridgewater College yesterday afternoon. According to officials, suspect Alexander Wyatt campbell opened fire on the officers when they responded to reports of a suspicious man on the bridgewater campus. Campbell is now charged with four felony counts, including capital murder, for killing those two Police Officers. We are also tracking a major winter storm we want to tell you about blanketing a huge portion of the country. Over 100 Million People from colorado to vermont and parts of texas. Freezing rain is already causing Flight Cancellations across the country. Well go to chad. Chad, what are you tracking right now . Only 23 states dont have some kind of warning. Its spreading 200,000 miles. Its pain. Part of the pain is rain changing to Freezing Rain to sleet and then all snow. If youre shoveling here, youre going to be standing on rain that is on top of a rink, an ice rink, your driveway. This is going to be a very dangerous situation to be involving in. Its not going away any time soon, either. You cant wait until friday for the sun to come out. This is going to be a cold air mass. Its going to snow for hours. Its going to stop and start again for some of you like in indianapolis and cincinnati, even going to ohio. Some of this will actual tly ge into the northeast. There will be a big amount of ice. It could be up to one inch. Its going to bring down trees and power lines to the north and west of there. Thats where the snow will be. Major to extreme impacts all the way from the great lakes all the way down to dallas, texas, even where you expect it to be warm, its not warm enough. Its going to be an ice event there as well. Kate . Another remarkable one, chad. Thank you so much for that. Really appreciate it. Also check this out now. A plane forced to abort its landing seconds after the wheels are touching down because of crazy high winds at london and Heathrow Airport impacting this British Airways plan as it was coming in for a landing. You can see it wobbling there. The good news is the plane did successfully land still ahead for us, two connecticut Police Officers are suspended over how they handled the Death Investigations of black women. Im going to speak to the family of one of them next. Age is just a number. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. Pepto bismol coats and soothes your stomach for fast relief and get the same fast relief in a Delightful Chew with pepto bismol chews. 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It is an unaccepted failure if policies were not followed. To the families, friends, and all who care about human decency, that should be shown in these situations, in this case by members of the Police Department, im very sorry. And joining me now is shawn t Shawntelle Fields and tavar gray smith. I am so sorry. This is a nightmare you have been living for almost two months now. What is your reaction to the mayor suspending these officers . Do you consider this progress . Its a step in the way of progress. It took this long since the 12th that my daughter passed away, the 13th, that i found out about her. We didnt get no apology from the mayor or anything up until he just made an apology a couple days ago actually. You all are planning to file a lawsuit against the city and the Police Department over how they handled or mishandled your sisters death. Can you talk to me about why . Due to the way they handled the case, they didnt go through none of the evidence, they still have to this day, the evidence we gave them still in the medical lab. It wasnt handed over by the Bridgeport Police department. How long they took to tell us what was going on, how the cop mistreated us, how he spoke to us, vague and rough and disrespectful. He had no respect for human life, no respect for how my sister died, nothing. He didnt care about nothing. He treated us like garbage. I could speak on a lot more of those terms, but those are the basics of it. Basically, to me, it was a racial injustice. Definitely. Tavar, i want to read a Statement Released by the Bridgeport Police chief that weve received on this which is the Bridgeport Police department continues to treat the untimely death of Lauren Smithfield as an active investigation as we are now refocusing our attention and efforts to the factors that led to her untimely death. Weve engaged several partners to assist with this portion of the investigation and, once again, we offer our sin syrupest condolences to the friends and family of Lauren Smithfields. Whats your reaction to that, tavar . I feel like the police are trying to clean up a mess that they know they made and, honestly, i dont feel they would have even gone to this extent if the story didnt catch fire like it did or went as viral as it did. They tried to sweep my sisters existence underneath the rug and act like Nothing Happened and it wasnt of any importance to them, just another lost life. So i feel like the police know that they did something wrong. The mayor knows the police didnt handle the case the way they should have. And now theyre trying to clean up the mess after its been publicized like it has been. Like we all said, its a step, but theres still more that needs to be done for sure. A lot of people see this and say this speaks to a much bigger problem in america, a much bigger issue. Your daughters death, your sisters death speaks to that. And i have to say i do not want to forget about your daughter and your sister. Whoever would like to, what do you want people to remember about lauren . We want people to remember that lauren from us losing our sister, our daughter, lauren was destined for greatness. Lauren was a big spirit. She was just the life of the party. She lit up rooms. Everyone loved her. She left a mark on everyone she came across. The way that her name is running across the nation, international as well, is because she was going to be des ined for great things. You cant stop whether theyre passed or still living, you cant stop someones story. Her name was destined to touch the masses. I feel the same way. No man can take away what god has for you. Lauren was going to be a great star through life or death and the way her name is spreading across the entire globe that speaks so many volumes. Lauren was a beautiful person, inside and out. She was very smart, driven, she was such a tight knit person, close to the family. Just remember, this is a human being. And thats one thing i want to make sure is not forgeten as we continue to cover her story, her death and this investigation. Snu all so much for being here. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you for all for being here. Inside politics with john king starts now. Hello and welcome to inside politics. Im john king in washington. Thank you for sharing your day with us. More u. S. Troops to Eastern Europe. President biden today authorizes new deployments as tough talk from the kremlin dims hope for diplomatic end. Donald trump says the insurrectionists deserve pardons. And reporting on chuck schumers

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