attacks on friday. the attacks were friday. morocco informed france, we believe on monday. we to want talk about the implications, both the successes and failures in this intelligence operation. joining me now, cnn senior anchor and foreign correspondent christiane amanpour. cnn terror analyst, paul cruickshank. christiane, first of all, this is a stunning success of a terror operation, to take out the planner of these attacks days after they happened. >> very much so. and you remember all these last 72 hours, that name, that one name has really taken up all the oxygen as people were so keen to find this guy who they believe planned it. we've been speaking about him for a long, long time. we're not sure how big an operative in isis but he obviously had a big role in planning this. he's also known as a very vial, very vicious, very ugly personality, who grew up in a perfectly normal, normal