- most of the people that came here, once the steel industry was in place, were people from central europe. ♪ ♪ they were blue collar, they worked long hours, they worked hard, dangerous jobs, and made the money to send their kids to schools to become white collar. ♪ ♪ at one point, i believe we were the sixth largest city in america. we're now 63rd. - now, wait a minute. sixth largest in america, now 63rd. - 63rd, yeah. - so what happened? - well, the steel industry began to falter in the 1960s, and by the 1980s it was essentially dead. in the 1980s, this place was a ghost town. we lost half of our population. it went away. - right. - and half of your population means at least half, if not more, of your tax base. - so what went right? - what went right? what went right, weirdly enough is what went wrong. it became attractive to people outside of pittsburgh